dissabte, 4 d’abril del 2009

Preparing the revolution

Last week I was in Welsh…there I met a guy and we were talking about preparing a revolution… because we thing we need it. He will start it in Österreich, and I’ll develop it in Spain… the problem is that we need a leader, but we don’t feet in this paper.
All historical leaders were small and snub mans, so now we need a tall and pretty women (and no, I’m not…). We need a change!
We were talking about young people because they are supposed to be the basis of the revolution, but I think they don’t need any change and no revolution. They like things like they are, and the reason is that things are like this and things can’t be change, so just adapt yourself to them (curious reaction in Darwin’s year… isn’t it??).
It so rare to think that things can we be changed? It’s weird to think that perhaps this change can be in our hand? (yes… we can?). Perhaps they are only dreams but…
I was thinking about this… and in some way I don’ trust in revolutions but I want to believe in a change, in another way to do and to act. And it should start in the education.
Just coming back from Welsh, I found in a lovely second hand market an old postcard with this sentence:
“Education is a wonderful thing
If you couldn’t sign your name you’d have to pay cash”
Funny is’nt it? Perhaps this is the most important thing for the next generations…